This is getting close to being a bait-and-switch for bloc plurality. The fewer rankings voters get, the more proportionality we lose and the more useless all the complexity of STV becomes. We're approaching Lake Oswego's election system rather than an even modestly proportional one.

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Yep- we went from being able to rank "all" of the candidates, "as many or as few" as voters care to rank* to 8 in the initial draft code and now to 6 in the final code revision.

*"Ranked choice voting would give Portland voters the ability to indicate all of the candidates they support in order of preference by marking their ballots to indicate ‘1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc.’ for as many or as few as they care to rank.” from the Charter Commission’s final report (Progress Report #6) submitted as part of the Auditor’s report to the City Council in June 2022.

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From 8 to 6? These clowns are allergic to competition.

I suspect that Ryan's request for non-partisan orgs that can educate voters about RCV was made in bad faith, but two that come to mind are FairVote and the Center for Competitive Democracy.

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It's unclear that council will have a chance to vote on which org/s get/s the voter education RFP. In either case, the deadline for applications is early May so the process should be underway relatively soon.

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