Instead of cutting costs and funding and providing essential basic municipal services in an efficient manner, here is what Socialist Koyama Lane will focus on. She’s DSA (along with Mitch Green), here is their platform.

Defunding the Police – Advocating for cuts to police budgets and redirecting funds to community services.

Wealth Redistribution – Pushing for direct payments to individuals and radical wealth redistribution.

Opposition to Capitalism – Advocating for the dismantling of capitalism in favor of socialist systems.

Support for Protests and Civil Disobedience – Backing protests, sometimes alongside more radical groups, which can (and has) lead to violence and property damage.

Prison Abolition – Calling for alternatives to incarceration and the eventual abolition of prisons.

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Really tired of these two skating through interviews.

Ask them why the DSA cheers for terror attacks. Ask about Angelita’s insane takes on abolishing police and Portlanders needing to arm themselves. Ask Tiffany about that disaster of a teachers’ strike.

Ask them both about the “People’s Platform” and the DSA’s plans to “crippling the rental market.”

They are radicals with gross, idiotic ideas and they won’t answer these questions. They only go on shows to be handled with kid gloves.

Easily two of the most unhinged politicians Portland has ever elected, and the average Portlander has no idea because journalists aren’t doing a thorough job.

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City Council has been far left for many years and that’s what has destroyed the city!

It’s crazy listening to these women go on about they thought Portland has been too republican! This new commission is gonna be a complete Sh*t Show as we’ve seen from the very first one!! The entire charter reform from commission members like Avalos who used her experience to actually get on city council is no slimier than any right wing grifter! Regardless We moved out of Multnomah last year as this council was the final straw of city circus 🤡 clowns … It’s just sheer entertainment at this point!!

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Great interview. Thanks for doing these interviews and helping inform Portlanders.

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