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Thanks for the article.

One question of interest to me is that regarding conflict of interest. Apparently, applicants for the Independent District Commission are being told that they might have a conflict of interest if they are thinking about running for the council. If so, why doesn't a Charter Commission member-who designed the new government, powers, and the election system with districts- also have a conflict of interest?


Starting at about 1:21:30 at the June 29 2002 meeting (linked above) you will hear Dan Ryan do an excellent job of broaching this question, essentially asking commission members if they thought there was a conflict of interest for someone writing the charter and designing the system to then run for city council in the first round. He compared it to someone writing a job description, and the hiring process, and then apply for the job themselves.

At about 1:22:38, Candace Avalos asks Commissioner Ryan why he (or anyone, for that matter) might think there is a conflict of interest if a Charter Commission member ran for city council (as many people think several Charter Commission members are planning to do).

And then at about 1:33:26 the city attorney says that there is not a conflict of interest because there would not be a financial gain (even though, at least currently, council members get paid $125,000 or so plus benefits).

So it would be helpful if the city explained why, on the one hand, someone on the Independent District Commission might have a conflict of interest if contemplating a run for city council, while on the other hand a Charter Commission member like Ms. Avalos- who apparently might be contemplating another run for city council- this time under the system that she designed- does not have a conflict of interest.

Finally, for me the issue of whether a conflict arises or not is not simply the technical, legal interpretation of that term as explained by the City Attorney. It is also whether or not a reasonable person might perceive there is an ethical conflict of interest or, equally important, an appearance of a conflict of interest, if a Charter Commission member ran in the first round of elections for a council seat under a system that he or she designed.

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