Friend of mine wrote a caption for the photo: “Ranked Choice takes a little longer. I just got done voting.” Thanks for another thoughtful essay.

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Maja, thank you so much for the excellent and civic-minded work you have devoted to our grand experiment. Your reportage, helpful descriptions of changes, and interesting interviews have made a huge and lasting contribution to the city we love. My admiration and gratitude.

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Thanks, Laurie!!!

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Absurd you ignore the mayor candidate with the best ideas and track record. Please inform your followers there is an outstanding choice, or choose ignorance.

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The mayor’s biggest power is the ability to fire the city administrator. The mayor will demand that their priorities be fast tracked and “slow roll” anything that the city council passes but they don’t like. Welcome to passive aggressive government!

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I am surprised and concerned that you only considered these candidates. Mingus Mapps and Liv Osthus are both very viable candidates with very different visions then the 3 you reviewed.

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It is of interest to me, being a mayoral candidate, how my ideas and track record are ignored by print, tv and radio.

Apparently being a national hero, giving Portlanders 120,000 of free salmon, living 15 years unhoused, winning in the 9th circuit, and starting camps for the unhoused,isn't enough for notice.

Go to mayormikeoc.com and see DONE DEEDS for an unmatched list of accomplishments.

Ideas for change include 6 housing solutions and ideas to reduce shootings OD's and air pollution 50%.

Portland People Polling creates a platform for involved citizens to advance ideas with popular support.

I am donig this without $$ so i am asking friends to foward my site mayormikeoc.com to their friends who foward to friends creating a friendz. It's working clicks have been doubling each week.

When WE WIN it will destroy the " rich buy politics" that we know. I got something better than money, FRIENDS.

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